Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blog Update!!!

So its been a busy month for me. I am always finding something to work on. I decided to replace the handles in the bathtub with new brushed nickle ones. What I was hoping was going to be an easy job turned into an all day affair and 12 trips between Home Depot and Lowe's. I replaced all the guts of the valves. To do this i had to work under the kitchen sink through a small opening in the back of the cabinet to reach the pipes for the tub. But its done know and looks much better.

Next I have the guys coming for "Guys weekend 3" next weekend and they wanted to have a fire. So of course I cant do it to simple, So i got a fire pit and laid a paver base for the fire pit.

Lastly I decided i wanted to update the living room. So i repainted it a tan color to lighten the room up. February is going to be a busy month, with guys weekend .


Poppy and Memaw said...

You did a great job, Dan!
Love the new color in the living room.

Sadler Family said...

Your house looks great!!!